I know that I bore you all with my weekly newsletter's mispellings and bad grammar but now we have something new to keep you informed about, a smoker!!! With this blog I will keep you posted on when we will have product available (we are currently in the testing phase) and what we will be smoking next. The possibilities are endless at this point and every day we come up with something new we would like to try so stay tuned to see what it is we come up with for you!!!
Some of the things we will be smoking for sure:
Pork Shoulder/Butt
Pork Belly/Bacon
Beef Jerky
That is just the short list for now but our wheels are turning and we will make sure to keep you up to date and informed!!!!
Can't wait for the smoked brisket. It is one of Don's and my favorites! Also looking forward to trying the jerky too!